Scientology and Society

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Tax Court Denies Scientology-Like Deduction for Jewish Courses

December 21, 2005: The US Tax Court rules against Michael and Maria Sklar, who were seeking the right to deduct the cost of their children's religious education, a right that the IRS grants only to Scientologists.

Scientology and Society in the News

Date Titlesort icon Blurb Tags
October 1, 2006 German Police Told To Target Scientologists Germans are being warned of the 'danger' of Scientology amid growing concerns over the numbers of after-school tutoring programmes springing up across the country. The government has told internal security forces to step up their scrutiny of the movement, claiming that the Scientologists, which they label a cult, are seeking to take advantage of Germany's ailing education system as a means to recruit children. It has prompted US embassy officials to lobby the German government on the sect's behalf. Germany, Press, Scientology and Society, Stealth Scientology
April 12, 2006 Scientology Adds Plant City To Roster Scientology is not receiving Plant City's warm embrace. From the pulpit of the massive First Baptist Church, two blocks from the new outreach center, the Rev. Ron Churchill spoke of the new neighbors in his last two Sunday sermons, calling Scientology a cult and warning his parishioners to be strong of faith. Across the street from Scientology's building, antiques store owners hung "No solicitation" signs - a message to Scientologists who stopped by last week to drop off literature. Keep out. Press, Scientology and Society
November 26, 2005 Scientology Office at UB Commons A controversy has erupted at the University at Buffalo over the Church of Scientology's obtaining an office in The Commons, a privately operated space on the North Campus in Amherst near the Student Union. Critics contend the administration is abrogating its responsibility to protect students by permitting a group some consider a cult to have a staging ground to recruit students. Rich Dunning, a former Buffalo church staff member who left the Church of Scientology in May 2003, said students are one of the organization's prime targets. Buffalo, Press, Scientology and Society
November 4, 2005 Inside Cult Castle - The Weird Rituals at Scientology's Sussex HQ "Have you ever destroyed a culture?" he asks. "Have you ever bred bodies for degrading purposes? Did you come to Earth for evil purposes?" Down the corridor, another sect member listens to a series of lectures on how, 75 million years ago, an alien prince killed millions of people with atom bombs. We are inside St Hill Manor, a small fortress in the West Sussex stockbroker belt, a rambling mansion that houses the British nerve-centre of the controversial Church Of Scientology. London, Press, Scientology and Society
October 25, 2005 Dangerous Cult or Secret of Success? with more and more stories unfolding about the church's beliefs in alien invasions and the need to "audit" the soul through costly counselling sessions, just what is Scientology all about? I'm soon told that there are numerous negative parts of my spiritual wellbeing. Apparently, I'm verging towards being unstable, nervous and depressed while also being highly critical and unappreciative of others. In short, I'm a spiritual mess. Edinburgh, Press, Scientology and Society
October 15, 2005 Paris Official Leads Event Protesting Scientology The deputy mayor of Paris led a demonstration outside the Paris offices of the Church of Scientology, warning parents that young people may be attracted to groups she sees as dangerous. "These movements are dangerous, we must explain why they are dangerous," she said. Paris, Press, Scientology and Society
April 16, 2005 This Bill Isn't Mentally Healthy Sen. Victor Crist has introduced one of the worst bills of the session. It would keep students from getting psychiatric treatment even when they need it. The bill is backed by an arm of the Church of Scientology called the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, and Scientologists have never been shy about their opposition to psychiatry or any mental health services. CCHR, obstructing psychiatry, Press, Scientology and Society
April 14, 2005 Scientology Group Behind Attack On Mental Health Medicine CCHR is supporting two bills being considered by the Florida House that seek to further roll back the clock on the recognition and treatment of mental illnesses. In House Bills 209 and 909, unnecessary and unproductive requirements are placed on schools and the departments of Children & Families and Juvenile Justice that will make the identification and referral of children with mental illnesses more difficult. CCHR, Press, psychiatry, Scientology and Society
January 30, 2005 Buffalo News: Englightenment's Dark Side Because Jeremy Perkins and his mother shared the church's adamant opposition to psychiatry, he didn't take drugs that medical professionals say could have staved off his illness - and saved his mother's life. Buffalo, NY, Press, Scientology and Society
October 29, 2004 Subway-Tology! MTA Poster Full Of Plugs For Religion A poster being sold to mark the 100th anniversary of the subway has an underground message - and it has nothing to do with trains. The poster, which depicts a crowded Times Square subway station, contains what seems like an endless number of plugs for the controversial Church of Scientology. The poster also showcases at least half a dozen Web sites with connections to Scientology. lawsuits, Montreal, Press, Scientology and Society

Scientology and Society in the News

Datesort icon Title Blurb Tags
December 21, 2005 Tax Court Denies Scientology-Like Deduction for Jewish Courses The US Tax Court rules against Michael and Maria Sklar, who were seeking the right to deduct the cost of their children's religious education, a right that the IRS grants only to Scientologists. court rulings, Scientology and Society