Jane Kember
Jane Kember was Guardian Worldwide during the height of the Snow White conspiracy.
Jane Kember in the News
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November 27, 1980 |
2 Scientology Aides Guilty Of Burglary |
Two high-ranking members of the Church of Scientology were convicted of burglary charges in what Federal prosecutors have called a widespread scheme by the church to infiltrate Government offices and steal documents. The two church members, extradited earlier this year from England, were accused of ordering subordinates in Washington to infiltrate offices of the Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department in an attempt to copy or steal documents. Last December nine other members of the church, including Mary Sue Hubbard, wife of the church's founder, were found guilty of obstruction of justice and sentenced to prison terms in connection with the same alleged scheme. |
crimes, Jane Kember, Press |
Jane Kember in the News
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November 26, 1980 |
Jane Kember and Morris Budlong Are Found Guilty In Snow White Case |
Jane Kember and Morris Budlong are found guilty in the "Operation Snow White" case. |
Guardian Office, Jane Kember |
February 11, 1976 |
Dick Weigand writes a "compliance report" to |
Dick Weigand writes a "compliance report" to Guardian World-Wide Jane Kember. In it, he reviews the achievements of the Information Bureau pursuant to GO 1361 Target 10 and reports compliance with that target. He tells Kember that all documents withheld by IRS under the FOIA for the period up to March 1975 had been stolen from the IRS. These included documents from the offices of Barbara Bird, Lewis Hubbard, Stephen Friedberg, the Chief Counsel's office, the Office of International Operations, the Intelligence Division, and the Special Services Staff. Weigand also states that documents turned over by the IRS to the Department of Justice Tax Division and staff attorney Michael Sanders had also been obtained. When Kember receives the compliance report, she writes on it, "Dear Dick, This is very well done indeed. Thank you for your excellent compliance. Much love, Jane." |
Jane Kember |
December 5, 1975 |
Guardian World Wide Jane Kember issues Guardian |
Guardian World Wide Jane Kember issues Guardian Program Order 158 (GPgmO 158) -- Early Warning System. Its purpose is to identify any potential lawsuit against, or subpoena for, "LRH [L. Ron Hubbard] or MSH [Mary Sue Hubbard] from a government agency or individual litigation or from any source whatever" (vital target 3) "before activation" (vital target 2) by planting of agents in dozens of different government offices. Specifically, Guardian Program Order 158 directed GO staff to place an agent into the US Attorney's Office in Washington, DC, place an agent in the IRS Office of International Operations, "6. Obtain their files on LRH/MSH and Scientology and monitor the line continuously of other actions against LRH/MSH. AG I DC", "7. Continue to monitor tightly the DEA DC, IRS DC and LA, the Coast Guard (soon to go to Immigration and Naturalization) DC. Get any present time data on LRH/MSH." Other operating targets under GPgmO 158 include moving existing agents in the District Attorney's Office in Los Angeles and the Attorney General's Office of California "into position to obtain advance warning" (Target 8); "[g]et Intell coming from Paulette Cooper, Robert Kaufman, Bernie Green, and John Sefferrn to obtain intelligence data on intended attack. AG I New York" (Target 14); "[p]lace a separate agent into the IRS Office of International Organizations (OIO) (as this office has a case preparation or investigative action going on LRH personally for income tax evasion or something similar)." and "[p]lace a very secure agent into the AMA Chicago headquarters in the best position possible to obtain data on their intended actions towards us" (Target 16). |
Jane Kember, Washington DC |
September 21, 1975 |
Scientologists Commended for Breaking into Government Offices |
Gregory Willardson writes a CSW (Completed Staff Work) to Jane Kember and requests commendations and awards for various staff members who had been involved in executing GO 1361 (which directed breaking into government offices and stealing documents), including Cindy Raymond. |
crimes, Guardian Office, Jane Kember |