Bonnie Woods

Once a Scientologist, Bonnie Woods became an outspoken critic of Scientology, raising awareness about Scientology's abuses.

Scientologists distributed hate literature about Bonnie, and Scientology was found guilty of libelling her.

Bonnie Woods in the News

Date Title Blurb Tags
April 15, 1994 Escape Route From Scientology 'Has Never Been Busier' A husband and wife team who help Church of Scientology members leave the controversial organisation say they have never been busier after a spate of national coverage surrounding the cult. Bonnie Woods, a former Scientologist, and her husband Richard formed Escape nearly three years ago and operate from their East Grinstead home. The couple claim to have given advice to about 100 former cult members. Bonnie Woods, Press, Scientology and Society

Bonnie Woods in the News

Date Title Blurb Tags
June 8, 1999 Scientology Apologizes In Open Court For Having Libelled Bonnie Woods Scientology apologizes in open court for having libelled Bonnie Woods. Bonnie Woods
June 1, 1999 Scientology distributes a leaflet showing a photograph Scientology distributes a leaflet showing a photograph of Bonnie Woods above the words "Hate Campaigner Comes to Town". A group of Scientologists put the leaflet in the mail boxes of the Woods' neighbors and handed it out to members of the public on East Grinstead High Street. The leaflet described Mrs Woods as a "hate campaigner" and a "deprogrammer"; it also cast doubt on the sincerity of her claims to be a born-again Christian. Six years later, Scientology will admit these allegations to be false and apologize in open court for libelling her. Bonnie Woods, defamation