HCO Bs are Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins. They document the "tech" of Scientology - procedures for auditing and training.

More about HCOBs

Information on Clears

August 10, 1961: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Information on Clears'.

New Clearing Breakthrough!

August 23, 1961: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'New Clearing Breakthrough!'.

Valences Key to Clearing

August 24, 1961: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Valences Key to Clearing'.

Advances in Technology

August 31, 1961: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Advances in Technology'.

New Facts of Life

September 7, 1961: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'New Facts of Life'.

New Rudiments Commands

September 14, 1961: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'New Rudiments Commands'.

Security Check Children

September 21, 1961: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Security Check Children'.

HCO WW Security Forms 7A and 7B

September 28, 1961: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'HCO WW Security Forms 7A and 7B'.

Clean Hands Make a Happy Life

October 5, 1961: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Clean Hands Make a Happy Life'.

Training of Staff Auditors

October 6, 1961: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Training of Staff Auditors'.

HCOBs in the News

Date Titlesort icon Blurb Tags
January 27, 1974 R3R Commands Have Background Data L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'R3R Commands Have Background Data'. Commands, HCOBs
January 23, 1974 The Technical Breakthrough of 1973! The Introspection RD L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Technical Breakthrough of 1973! The Introspection RD'. HCOBs
December 15, 1973 The Continuous Missed W/H and Continuous Overt with Data on Degraded Beings and False PTS Conditions L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Continuous Missed W/H and Continuous Overt with Data on Degraded Beings and False PTS Conditions'. HCOBs, PTS
December 6, 1973 The Primary Failure L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Primary Failure'. HCOBs
December 5, 1973 The Reason for Q and A L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Reason for Q and A'. HCOBs
November 24, 1973 Hi-Lo TA Assessment C/S L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Hi-Lo TA Assessment C/S'. Assessment, HCOBs
November 24, 1973 Short Hi-Lo TA Assessment C/S L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Short Hi-Lo TA Assessment C/S'. Assessment, HCOBs
November 23, 1973 Dry and Wet Hands Make False TA L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Dry and Wet Hands Make False TA'. HCOBs
November 21, 1973 The Cure of Q and A, Man's Deadliest Disease L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Cure of Q and A, Man's Deadliest Disease'. HCOBs
November 20, 1973 Anti-Q and A Drill L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Anti-Q and A Drill'. Drills, HCOBs