
Press in the News

Date Title Blurb Tags
April 20, 1992 Scientologists Cited For Crowded Apartments The Church of Scientology has been cited by city building officials for overcrowding in apartments. In recent inspections, city officials determined that 34 apartments were overcrowded at Scientology's Hacienda Gardens complex. Housing inspectors said they found as many as 10 beds in an apartment, and said beds often were set up not only in the bedrooms but in the living and dining rooms of the apartments. crimes, Press, Scientology and Society
April 14, 1992 Preston, Travolta Have A Baby Boy John Travolta and Kelly Preston are the parents of a son, Jett Travolta. Travolta and Preston, who are Scientologists, said in a statement that they prepared for "the smooth birth by following the method recommended in Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard, which stresses complete silence during delivery." A spokeswoman for the Church of Scientology says Dianetics recommends no noise - from doctors, nurses or the mother - during delivery. John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Press, teachings
January 26, 1992 Killer: Scientologists Talked Me Out Of Needed Help Gary Don Beals says he might not have murdered his father and tried to kill his mother if not for influence by the Church of Scientology. Beals told the Utah Board of Pardons Friday that church members talked him out of getting needed psychological help and also turned him against his parents. obstructing psychiatry, Press
January 19, 1992 French Scientologists Face Fraud Charges French authorities have charged 13 members of the Church of Scientology with fraud and practicing medicine illegally, court sources say. They include Jean-Claude Chapelet, the president of the French branch of the church, the sources said Wednesday. Police raided the church's headquarters in Paris Monday after former members claimed that they had been swindled out of a total of $750,000. France, fraud, Press
January 16, 1992 France Charges 13 Scientologists With Fraud Authorities have charged 13 members of the Church of Scientology with fraud and practising medicine illegally, court officials said yesterday, including the president of the French branch of the group, Jean-Claude Chapelet. crimes, France, fraud, Press
January 4, 1992 Former Scientology Member Sues Church The Church of Scientology is being sued by a former member who says the organization has failed to refund him $68,764. Howard Mintz says in his lawsuit that he had placed the money on account with the church so he could receive "auditing services." Auditing is a Scientology counseling process that can cost as much as $800 per hour. Clearwater, lawsuits, Press
December 29, 1991 Founder of est Targeted in Campaign by Scientologists Heisig said it was clear from the documents that Scientology was preparing a "media blitz" against Erhard-and that he was going to be a key player, spreading and collecting information that could be used to discredit the est founder. "The reason, I think it comes down to, is competition," Heisig said. "Since Werner started his est program, he took potential customers ... away from the church." The secret campaign against Erhard would span more than a year and become one of the Church of Scientology's top priorities. harassment, Press
November 26, 1991 Ontario Accused Of Threatening Religious Freedom Ontario is threatening freedom of religion by taking the Church of Scientology to court, says a coalition of religious groups. The Church of Scientology lost a bid earlier this year in the Ontario Court, general division, to have criminal charges dismissed because they took more than six years to come to trial. In March, 1983, more than 100 OPP officers seized hundreds of thousands of documents from the church's downtown headquarters. crimes, Press, Toronto
November 12, 1991 Putting the Cult Back in Culture Future Films may be the latest, thinly disguised attempt by Scientology to gain widespread acceptance and suck thousands more into the movement. Cult watchers wonder if the upstart studio is related to a massive, sophisticated ad campaign now underway, which is designed to improve the groups dismal reputation, the result of a decade long mass of lawsuits and inquiries by the IRS, the courts, and governments around the world. Former members say the Church of Scientology is no Church at all, but rather an enormous totalitarian pyramid scheme whose bottom line is its bottom line. Cynthia Kisser, Los Angeles, Press
November 11, 1991 They Took Our Lives Within two years, Tom and Carol spent $60,000 on the church, according to a lawsuit. They traveled to Clearwater for Scientology counseling and spent virtually all of their free time on the church. They signed billion-year contracts and prepared to move the family to Los Angeles. Their experience is not unusual. When parents plunge into Scientology, critics say, children often are swept along and family life takes a back seat. Clearwater, Press, Scientology and Society

Press in the News

Datesort icon Title Blurb Tags
May 12, 2006 Polish Scientologists Ordered to Remove Tents When Scientology erected tents in Warsaw's city center to attract new members, city officials ordered them taken down. Press
September 30, 1996 Patrice Vic Trial Begins - Scientology Executive Charged with Manslaughter Trial begins in the death of Patrice Vic. Scientology executive Jean-Jacques Mazier is charged with manslaughter, and 22 other Scientologists also face charges. crimes, deaths, France, Patrice Vic, Press